Great military strategists have told us that the outcome of a battle is determined before a single shot is fired. This is not clairvoyance but an astute insight into ways in which the future is inextricably tied to the present.
Might I extrapolate even further from this idea? We know that heavenly bodies like the sun and the moon exert a gravitational force on all surrounding planets, asteroids, and comets, based in part on their length, width, and depth, the famed three dimensions. Yet what about the fourth dimension, time? Could there be forces at work that draw us inexorably closer to our personal, professional, and pathological fate? Is there, in other words, a gravitational pull of the future?
For most academic physicians, this concept isn’t really too far-fetched. Take, for example, chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or circulatory problems. Once these have taken root within a given individual’s body, a new course is chartered, as if a ship’s captain has rerouted his craft according to a different set of nautical maps. “Without firing a single shot,” so to speak, an ailment like diabetes recharts the destiny of the person’s heart, arteries, brain, and kidneys. Unfortunately, diabetes is known to cause microvascular changes 5 to 10 years before blood sugar begins to rise—the seeds of future, possibly fatal health crises begin to work their mischief long before the person or the physician have a clue that something is wrong.
To this we can add many other factors, particularly those associated with DNA, the unique “hard drive” that is embedded in every single living human cell—yours is yours alone, unshared with anyone else in human history. Let’s not worry about the specifics of genotype, phenotype, karyotype, histocompatability antigens, and the like; you can read about these in Star Magazine at your leisure. Simply put, you may have an increased risk of cancer, ulcerative colitis, high cholesterol or even acne (from an inability to fight skin bacteria, in case you’re wondering) based on your genetic makeup—your future may be partially predetermined by these mysterious and highly complex molecules.
Of course, your daily routine of selfcare is neither mysterious nor complex. Do you exercise effectively, if at all? Do you eat with isocaloric balance in mind--namely, keeping your weight healthy and stable? Are you developing rewarding and profitable relationships that may flower eventually into financial stability and personal happiness? Are you continuously learning newer skills that enhance and solidify your self-confidence? Is improvement in itself on your “to-do” list?
Or have you convinced yourself by means of delusional personal mythology and/or self-validating beliefs that it makes no difference how much you weigh, what your blood tests represent, or how high your blood pressure is? You might feel that your appearance is adequate, even if your clothing choices and posture telegraph a negative message to the outside world. How much are you in touch with what others see and think, as well as the “first impression” you make at school, work, or a social event?
These insights will also partially determine your future, and, conversely, given your present lifestyle choices in appearance and behavior, your future may evolve as a consequence of how you are acting right now. The “gravitational force” of disease, disability, antisocial behavior,and other negative entities might be pulling you inexorably towards a scenario of incapacitation, frustrated dreams, and unhappiness.
However, unlike unchangeable genetic codes, your lifestyle choices are exquisitely sensitive to change—better skincare, hairstyles, outfits, nutrition, and physique are helpful to anyone at any time, even by glamorous celebrities who continually reevaluate and recreate their image.
Whether “the future” is interpreted as next month, next year, or decades from now, there is always something you can do to make it better. Look in the mirror at your own three dimensions—length, width, and depth (or calculate your Body Mass Index, essentially the same thing). Then consider the fourth dimension, time, and its role in the outcome of your life. Fortune tellers might look at your palm, tea leaves, or a crystal ball in order to divine your fate. But using your own honest powers of self-observation, you can do this in a more predictable and cost-effective way—and, through the enjoyable process of self-reinvention, pave the pathway for yourself to a happier and healthier tomorrow.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Lifetime of Transitions
Summer is usually not a time for philosophical reflection, but 2008 is different for me. As I prepare for a series of publicity-related events to promote The Park Avenue Diet, my thoughts have taken me backwards and forwards in time—reflecting on the past and anticipating the future. “This is a transitional time for you,” my friend and mentor Dr. Stanley Krippner noted a few months ago. Agreed, but as I pondered his overview, I began to think of the entire arc of life, in itself, somewhat inflexibly, a series of stages not unlike a grand railway journey with multiple stops.
No matter who you are, where you live, or what surrounds you, you too will experience a social, academic, and professional environment that is continually being reshaped and redefined. How will you be able to manage these multiple transitions seamlessly and painlessly? The answer will depend to a large extent on your ability to redefine your image, an amalgam of visible behavioral and physical characteristics that reflect your philosophical beliefs.
Are you the same person you were a few years ago? Probably not, although you might wish to believe that your current relationships, appearance, and health are permanent—at least the positive aspects. But physicists teach us that “the only thing constant is change.” So prepare yourself for a roller-coaster ride that might last 80 years by learning to adapt, to upgrade your image, and to develop an evanescent trait called “inner strength.” Otherwise, your roller-coaster ride may be a bumpy one.
I have had many life-defining experiences over the past few years, moments of unbelievable happiness and moments of painful heartache, and so have you. But in looking back even further, I’ve been blessed with a most circuitous and surprising pathway that has brought me to this point—and into your life. I’ve been a shy high-school student, an idealistic Yalie, a frazzled medical student, an overworked intern, a colorful emergency room physician, an associate of a famous diet-doctor, and now an author and media personality—all of these without knowing the next chapter of the story.
At each point of transition, my image changed, but not in some vague spiritual way. Building upon one knowledge base after another, I improved my weight, bodily physique, skin, apparel, hairstyle, interpersonal skills, and self-confidence to match my new responsibilities and hopefully impress my new colleagues. However you look today, good, bad, or indifferent, it’s not a permanent state of affairs. Your ability to reevaluate yourself periodically—and honestly—is not a superficial onceover. It is a survival technique that you will need to call upon repeatedly if you want to develop the resilience necessary to endure, thrive, and excel.
Let’s take as an example your weight. It may seem adequate or at least tolerable to you (66% of American adults are either overweight or obese according to recent CDC statistics) but what will someone else think?--someone such as a college admissions interviewer, a potential employer, a new friend. Their first impression of you, a phenomenon that my fashion expert colleague Helene Hellsten estimates as taking three seconds to formulate, may negate your chances of academic advancement, job placement, or romance. Weaknesses in interpersonal skills may mean nothing to you, but they might convince the gatekeepers of your future that you “haven’t got it all together.”
On the other hand, mastering the various components of appearance and behavior—and upgrading them periodically to present yourself as continuously fresh and interesting—allows you to move from one stage of life to another as seamlessly as possible. People who ignore this learning technique are often described as being “in a rut” or stagnant. You may need to transition from school to an office environment, from living with your parents to coping with your own apartment, from solitude to an intimate relationship. Transitions are as complex and multifaceted as the people that they affect, so don’t try to predict the future—instead, prepare yourself for a series of reinventions, opportunities for creativity, redesign, and productive introspection.
Whether you know it or not, this is a transitional time for you too, just as it is for me. You may not know when the next chapter of your life will begin or who will be the principal characters—but change is inevitable, like the change of seasons we experience every year. Nature makes it happen to trees, insects, and weather patterns, and people make it happen with kaleidoscopic social dynamics and relationships. Your armament against these powerful forces is not merely self-knowledge but the ability to reinvent yourself, after careful reappraisal and inventory of your appearance and behavior. It’s an important and necessary skill, and you can have fun doing this with the proper input from experts such as the team assembled for The Park Avenue Diet.
This is not just a transitional time for me…or you. We all lead a lifetime of transitions.
No matter who you are, where you live, or what surrounds you, you too will experience a social, academic, and professional environment that is continually being reshaped and redefined. How will you be able to manage these multiple transitions seamlessly and painlessly? The answer will depend to a large extent on your ability to redefine your image, an amalgam of visible behavioral and physical characteristics that reflect your philosophical beliefs.
Are you the same person you were a few years ago? Probably not, although you might wish to believe that your current relationships, appearance, and health are permanent—at least the positive aspects. But physicists teach us that “the only thing constant is change.” So prepare yourself for a roller-coaster ride that might last 80 years by learning to adapt, to upgrade your image, and to develop an evanescent trait called “inner strength.” Otherwise, your roller-coaster ride may be a bumpy one.
I have had many life-defining experiences over the past few years, moments of unbelievable happiness and moments of painful heartache, and so have you. But in looking back even further, I’ve been blessed with a most circuitous and surprising pathway that has brought me to this point—and into your life. I’ve been a shy high-school student, an idealistic Yalie, a frazzled medical student, an overworked intern, a colorful emergency room physician, an associate of a famous diet-doctor, and now an author and media personality—all of these without knowing the next chapter of the story.
At each point of transition, my image changed, but not in some vague spiritual way. Building upon one knowledge base after another, I improved my weight, bodily physique, skin, apparel, hairstyle, interpersonal skills, and self-confidence to match my new responsibilities and hopefully impress my new colleagues. However you look today, good, bad, or indifferent, it’s not a permanent state of affairs. Your ability to reevaluate yourself periodically—and honestly—is not a superficial onceover. It is a survival technique that you will need to call upon repeatedly if you want to develop the resilience necessary to endure, thrive, and excel.
Let’s take as an example your weight. It may seem adequate or at least tolerable to you (66% of American adults are either overweight or obese according to recent CDC statistics) but what will someone else think?--someone such as a college admissions interviewer, a potential employer, a new friend. Their first impression of you, a phenomenon that my fashion expert colleague Helene Hellsten estimates as taking three seconds to formulate, may negate your chances of academic advancement, job placement, or romance. Weaknesses in interpersonal skills may mean nothing to you, but they might convince the gatekeepers of your future that you “haven’t got it all together.”
On the other hand, mastering the various components of appearance and behavior—and upgrading them periodically to present yourself as continuously fresh and interesting—allows you to move from one stage of life to another as seamlessly as possible. People who ignore this learning technique are often described as being “in a rut” or stagnant. You may need to transition from school to an office environment, from living with your parents to coping with your own apartment, from solitude to an intimate relationship. Transitions are as complex and multifaceted as the people that they affect, so don’t try to predict the future—instead, prepare yourself for a series of reinventions, opportunities for creativity, redesign, and productive introspection.
Whether you know it or not, this is a transitional time for you too, just as it is for me. You may not know when the next chapter of your life will begin or who will be the principal characters—but change is inevitable, like the change of seasons we experience every year. Nature makes it happen to trees, insects, and weather patterns, and people make it happen with kaleidoscopic social dynamics and relationships. Your armament against these powerful forces is not merely self-knowledge but the ability to reinvent yourself, after careful reappraisal and inventory of your appearance and behavior. It’s an important and necessary skill, and you can have fun doing this with the proper input from experts such as the team assembled for The Park Avenue Diet.
This is not just a transitional time for me…or you. We all lead a lifetime of transitions.
Friday, August 1, 2008
A Modest Weight-Loss Proposal
As a practicing physician it never ceases to amaze me when an overweight patient doesn’t follow my advice. After a Yale University liberal-arts education, a degree in psychology, four years of medical school, an Internal Medicine residency, four years of emergency room work and more...where did I go wrong?
Usually people respond positively to my gravitas and depth of knowledge. The recommendations I give can make an enormous difference...after all, we are talking about life-shortening, debilitating chronic illnesses, the ones precipitated and worsened by overweight.
Why don’t most overweight or obese Americans slavishly follow the warnings of the medical community? It’s certainly not from lack of publicity: every newspaper and television show seems to have an article or segment devoted to health issues. Yet only 5-10% of dieters keep the pounds off permanently and never revert to their former bad habits. What’s wrong with the other 90%? Aren’t they afraid of death?
Somewhat sheepishly I have often posed to colleagues the hypothesis that there is only one diet that would really work wonders. I call it The April 15th Diet. Don’t bother to look for the recipe book, spin-off products, or in fact any nutritional information. On The April 15th Diet you can eat unlimited portions of anything that you want for almost 365 days. Sounds terrific, no?
Then on April 15th of every year you will report to the local post office. After your retina scan and DNA sample pass inspection, you will hand the clerk a notarized copy of your previous year’s income tax returns. You will then step onto a special scale that will measure height and weight, immediately calculating your Body Mass Index. A bar-code sticker will be printed and affixed to your tax return. Then you are done for the day.
Several months later you will receive an envelope from the Internal Revenue Service. They will have audited your tax return and calculated your refund. This amount, however, will be adjusted downwards for every unit of Body Mass Index higher than ideal. Only people who demonstrate sufficient personal responsibility, self-control, and successful results will qualify for a full refund. Incomplete efforts, “trying” or total neglect will lead to incrementally increasing deduction from the funds. Parents are also penalized for the behavior and overweight of their children.
The money saved by instituting this program would be incalculable. Since overweight and obese American will eventually divert money from the healthcare system to pay for their insulin injections, cardiac surgery, dialysis treatments and seeing-eye dogs, it is economically wiser to extract some sort of pre-payment beforehand. Illnesses that affect all people equally (cancer, influenza, broken bones) should be “paid for” by all citizens since they are all more or less at identical risk. However, the concerned citizen of the future might ask his obese neighbor: “You pay for your own ice cream. Why should I share the cost of your medication, hospitalization and nursing care?”
Americans share only two things in common: death and taxes. The fear of premature death is not sufficient to motivate people to lose weight. The possible loss of disposable income, on the other hand, would certainly change hearts, minds and bellies very quickly. Memberships in health clubs would sky-rocket, especially in March. Nutritionists, rather than accountants, would have to work around the clock in early April. Cobwebs and tumbleweeds would surround fast-food stores, and long lines would form at salad bars at the crack of dawn.
Get angry, stamp your feet, write a Letter to the Editor! I know that The April 15th Diet is the worst diet that you ever heard of...but boy would it work!
Usually people respond positively to my gravitas and depth of knowledge. The recommendations I give can make an enormous difference...after all, we are talking about life-shortening, debilitating chronic illnesses, the ones precipitated and worsened by overweight.
Why don’t most overweight or obese Americans slavishly follow the warnings of the medical community? It’s certainly not from lack of publicity: every newspaper and television show seems to have an article or segment devoted to health issues. Yet only 5-10% of dieters keep the pounds off permanently and never revert to their former bad habits. What’s wrong with the other 90%? Aren’t they afraid of death?
Somewhat sheepishly I have often posed to colleagues the hypothesis that there is only one diet that would really work wonders. I call it The April 15th Diet. Don’t bother to look for the recipe book, spin-off products, or in fact any nutritional information. On The April 15th Diet you can eat unlimited portions of anything that you want for almost 365 days. Sounds terrific, no?
Then on April 15th of every year you will report to the local post office. After your retina scan and DNA sample pass inspection, you will hand the clerk a notarized copy of your previous year’s income tax returns. You will then step onto a special scale that will measure height and weight, immediately calculating your Body Mass Index. A bar-code sticker will be printed and affixed to your tax return. Then you are done for the day.
Several months later you will receive an envelope from the Internal Revenue Service. They will have audited your tax return and calculated your refund. This amount, however, will be adjusted downwards for every unit of Body Mass Index higher than ideal. Only people who demonstrate sufficient personal responsibility, self-control, and successful results will qualify for a full refund. Incomplete efforts, “trying” or total neglect will lead to incrementally increasing deduction from the funds. Parents are also penalized for the behavior and overweight of their children.
The money saved by instituting this program would be incalculable. Since overweight and obese American will eventually divert money from the healthcare system to pay for their insulin injections, cardiac surgery, dialysis treatments and seeing-eye dogs, it is economically wiser to extract some sort of pre-payment beforehand. Illnesses that affect all people equally (cancer, influenza, broken bones) should be “paid for” by all citizens since they are all more or less at identical risk. However, the concerned citizen of the future might ask his obese neighbor: “You pay for your own ice cream. Why should I share the cost of your medication, hospitalization and nursing care?”
Americans share only two things in common: death and taxes. The fear of premature death is not sufficient to motivate people to lose weight. The possible loss of disposable income, on the other hand, would certainly change hearts, minds and bellies very quickly. Memberships in health clubs would sky-rocket, especially in March. Nutritionists, rather than accountants, would have to work around the clock in early April. Cobwebs and tumbleweeds would surround fast-food stores, and long lines would form at salad bars at the crack of dawn.
Get angry, stamp your feet, write a Letter to the Editor! I know that The April 15th Diet is the worst diet that you ever heard of...but boy would it work!
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